We're here to try and make public transport more efficient, accessible and cheaper by creating innovative and elegant solutions to age-old
industry problems.
We existed in the bus world before the technology world so we have lived your life, been frustrated with your problems and speak your
language. CRTS was born out of a need for a technology company to really focus on bus problems with as much emphasis on the bus user as the operator, but also bridge the
language barrier that often exists between tech companies and the public transport industry, we're here to guide you through the APIs, Bits and Bytes while understanding
the BSIPs, the SIRIs and the BODS. We make solutions to your real-world problems that are elegant, concise and easy-to-use, we understand that you probably don't want a one-size fits
all solution which involves changing processes and you don't want to spend endless hours training depot staff to be the next Elon Musk or Bill Gates operating some over the top
solution which breaks all the time because it has 1 million functions you simply don't need. We are happy to make your next big thing or just the little thing that lets
one big thing talk to another big thing to save 'Bill' in the cash office a day's work, whatever your needs we're here to support you.